  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

A 'slot' in a List is a container for a list item. It is seen infrequently, because most list queries and updates use a shorthand in which the list item appears naked and the slot is implicit. Slots appear:

  • In list update notifications, in which the slot is always explicit.
  • Optionally, when moving items in a list.

m-ld lists specification



[key: string]: SubjectPropertyObject | Context | undefined

Specifies a graph edge, that is, a mapping from the @id of this subject to a set of one or more values.


m-ld lists specification


json-rql Properties

Other Properties

json-rql Properties


Subject: SubjectConstructor = class implements Subject {[key: string]: Subject['any'];constructor(value: Subject) {Object.assign(this, value);}}

Constructor of subjects from subjects: used similarly to e.g. Number

Other Properties

Optional @context

@context: Context

A JSON-LD Context for the query. In an API, this will frequently be implicit. For example, using json-rql as the body of a POST to http://example.com/my-api/v1/person/query might have the implicit context of a Person (possibly found at http://example.com/my-api/v1/person).




@id: Iri

The identity of the slot

Optional @index

@index: undefined | number

The index of the item in the list


@item: Value

The contained item of the slot

Optional @type

@type: Iri | Variable | Iri[] | Variable[]

The type of the subject, as an IRI or set of IRIs. (@type is actually shorthand for the RDF property rdf:type.)


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method
  • Protected method

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